Big news, loyal Mary B blog readers! Indiana University Press has released my new hardcover book! Heartland Habitats will share 265 of my personal nature walks in fresh full color, featuring a fabulous monthly strand that describes, mushroom by mushroom, my twenty-five-years hunting, collecting, photographing, painting, and sometimes cooking and eating, our Midwest fascinating fungi. Walk with me through woods, wetlands, along rivers, lakes, and country roads, as I attempt to make the acquaintance of all those leaves and needles and hitch names as well to wildflowers, birds, insects, small critters and large. Soon the outdoors will feel as welcome as a neighborhood where you know nearly everyone! This is a seasonal memoir—January through December—but you can join me anywhere along the year, naming one wild thing at a time.
For an author signed copy from me, just respond to this email with your request, or use the CONTACT ME button (to pay by check) or the PAYPAL button on my website (to pay with a credit card.) Heartland Habitats is also available on Etsy at Beaver Island Arts, and from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indiana University Press. Happy Trails! Mary
Heartland Habitats: 265 Midwest Nature Walks by Mary Blocksma, illus. by Robin Wilt and Mary Blocksma. Indiana University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 8×10, 190pp. $34 + $2 MI sales tax. FREE SHIPPING! ISBN 978-0-253-9-04579-9